In the electronic age we have near instant communications worldwide, but sometimes we need to take things one step further. We need to personally reach out. We need to make personal contact, to touch someone. How, you might ask? We say, “By making personal contact via a Flat Invitation or a Greeting Card.” Invitations to a party. “Thank you” Greeting Cards for a special people. Announcement of a special event. These are just a few ideas. You are limited only by your imagination.
DCL Media & Print can provide you with a selection of options for Invitations and Greeting Cards. Print is available on one side or both sides in full color. We offer the following sizes:
Flat Card: 3” x 4”, 3.5” x 5”, 4” x 6”, 4.25” x 5.5”, 5” x 7”, 5.5” x 8.5”
We offer Card Stock for all Invitation Cards and Greeting Cards:
100 lb. Matte, 110 lb. Matte, 14 pt. Gloss, 14 pt. Uncoated, 16 pr. Matte, 16 pt. Uncoated, 90 lb. White Lined Uncoated Card stock, approximately 12 pt. thickness, and 110 lb. Pearl ICE stock, a special stock with a glimmering finish, also about 12 pt. thickness
Envelopes for your Flat Invitations and Greeting Cards may be ordered.
Artwork Size with Bleeds should be .25” greater on both dimensions (L & W). For example, the artwork for a 4” x 6” Invitation or Greeting Card should be 4.25” x 6.25”. Artwork should be submitted via a print ready PDF file, with fonts outlined and images embedded.
When it comes to artwork and typesetting, DCL Media & Print offers you some options. Please provide us a Print Ready PDF file with fonts outlined and images embedded. As another option, you can take advantage of our Basic Typesetting service. Send us your Logo or Images and whatever content you want printed on the letterhead. We’ll set the type. Just download our Basic Typesetting Form, enter the requested information, and upload it after you have placed your order. Or as a 3rd option, let DCL Media & Print design something for you!
Standard turnaround time is 4 - 5 business days after approval of proofs. Minimum quantity is 50 units.